Indonesia Beaches: Pangandaran Beach

Friday, December 24, 2010

Pangandaran Beach

Pangandaran Beach is a beach is in the southern coast. and one of the best beach in Java and the tourist beach in West Java. This beach is in located in the Village Pananjung, Pangandaran District with a distance about ± 92 km south of the city Ciamis. Some features of this beach are:

1. you can see the sunrise and sunsets from one same place
2. sloping beach with cclean and the distance between the ups and downs are relatively long to allow us to swim safely
* There are beaches with white sand
* There are rescue teams coastal tourism
* The road is paved smooth environment with adequate street lighting
* There is a marine park with fish and marine life is fascinating.
* there is the Place to landing from Japanese troops during World War II and therefore there are still some caves the Japanese army's defense was used as hiding places of Japanese soldiers who intended to attack the Dutch soldiers.

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